
bh-dlt-iti-2016-175x233Bhakta Oechslin
Senior teacher
He has been involved 
in personal development, meditation and spiritual growth since 1976 as Osho’s disciple.  He is a Relationship Counselor and Ericksonian Hypnosis Practitioner.  Studying with Faisal Muqaddam since 1997, he is Diamond Logos Teacher.  He has integrated The Diamond Logos Teachings into his relationship work and his counseling skills trainings.  He offers Diamond Logos courses and individual sessions in Italy and Asia. He is a founding member and director of DL Academy Asia and Insight-DLT Academy in Italy.




Amana Sposito
She has trained in Adult Education and has over twenty years of experience in the field of teaching coordination.  A disciple of Osho since 1992, she was trained in India and in Europe in Breath Work, Bioenergetics Techniques, Codependency and Systemic approach.  She has integrated her personal and professional training with the work on Essence of the Diamond Logos Teachings with Faisal Muqaddam, which she has followed since 2001.  She offers individual sessions and workshops on Conscious Relating, Enneagram and DLT both in Europe and Asia.  With Bhakta Oechslin, her partner in life and work, she developed the professional counseling training “Essential Relatinginspired by the work on Essence and Psychology of the ego of the DLT.  She is a member of the Italian Professional Association of Counselling and Holistic Practitioners SIAF – registered as Counselor Trainer.

Cell: 0039.339.3816178